Forgoing Artificial Nutrition and Hydration in Nursing Home Patients With Dementia: Patients, Decision Making,...
The purpose of this study is to investigate the characteristics of patients for whom it is decided to forgo artificial nutrition and hydration (ANH) and characteristics of the ANH decision-making process. We conducted...
A single memory is stored across many connected brain regions — ScienceDaily
A new study by scientists at The Picower Institute for Learning and Memory at MIT provides the most comprehensive and rigorous evidence yet that the mammalian brain stores a single memory across a widely...
Ubiquitous bursts of brain waves appear to synchronize disparate and distant elements of memory,...
A fundamental mystery of the human cortex is how its 16 billion neurons integrate or bind the many different kinds of information they encode into a single coherent unified experience or memory.
Scientists have hypothesized...
Plasma proteomic profiles predict future dementia in healthy adults
Scheltens, P. et al. Alzheimer’s disease. Lancet 397, 1577–1590 (2021).Article
PubMed Central
Optogenetic targeting of astrocytes restores slow brain rhythm function and slows Alzheimer’s disease pathology
Jahn, H. Memory loss in Alzheimer’s disease. Dialogues Clin. Neurosci. 15, 445–454 (2013).Article
PubMed Central
Targeting dysregulated kappa-opioid receptors reduces working memory deficits in alcohol use disorder — ScienceDaily
As heavy or frequent alcohol use escalates, some people continue to drink despite increasingly negative consequences such as poor job or school performance, unraveling family or personal relationships and declining physical health.
Impaired working memory,...
Non-invasive in vivo hyperspectral imaging of the retina for potential biomarker use in Alzheimer’s...
Study designThe primary objective of this study was to determine whether retinal HS imaging could be used to distinguish Aβ PET+ (case) from PET− (control) participants. Accordingly, participants who had undergone brain Aβ PET...
Bearded capuchin monkeys as a model for Alzheimer’s disease
Alzheimer’s disease (AD) is the main cause of dementia in humans and represents one of the greatest challenges for public health1. One significant obstacle in AD research is the absence of a natural animal...
UCSF Radiology Honors the Career of Enrique Menendez, MD
Enrique Menendez, MD, director of research administration at the UC San Francisco Department of Radiology and Biomedical Imaging will retire on September 2, 2020. The entire department recognizes Dr. Menendez...