Robust light–dark patterns and reduced amyloid load in an Alzheimer’s disease transgenic mouse model

Animal model

This study utilized 23 5XFAD mice (34840-JAX, The Jackson Laboratory, Bar Harbor, ME; and 24 littermate controls, optimally balanced for sex ratio within genotypes (12 females per genotype), that were purchased at 35 days of age. All experimental procedures were approved by the Skidmore College Animal Care and Use Committee and conformed to international ethical standards29.

Housing and lighting apparatus

All mice were individually housed during the experiment in STARR Life Science Incage running wheel cages (11 in. × 7 in. × 5 in.[L × W × H]), each furnished with a 4.5-in.-diameter wheel, 0.125-in. crushed corncob bedding, and a 2 g Nestlet cotton square. Food (Prolab RMH 3,000 Lab Diet pellets) and tap water were provided ad libitum. Throughout the experiment, the mice were maintained under a controlled ambient…

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