UCSF Radiology Welcomes Three New Assistant Professors to the Faculty

We are excited to welcome three new faculty members to the University of California, San Francisco (UCSF) Department of Radiology and Biomedical Imaging.

Christopher Brunson, MD, an interventional radiologist, will join ZSFG. Kevin Sweetwood, MD, will continue with our musculoskeletal division. Allen Ye, MD, PhD, will join our Zuckerberg San Francisco General Hospital team as a neuroradiologist.

Each of these new faculty members has a strong UCSF connection. Dr. Brunson completed medical school here, and Drs. Sweetwood and Ye completed their residency and fellowship with us. They each bring exemplary records of leadership, cross-disciplinary teaching, procedural expertise, collaborative research and a commitment to diversity, equity and inclusion to our department.

Read their bios below for more details about their accomplishments and interests.

Christopher Brunson, MD

Christopher Brunson,…

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