Rutgers Expert Available to Comment on COVID-19 Neurological Effects

XinQi Dong, MD, MPH, director of the Institute for Health, Health Care Policy and Aging Research, is emphasizing the need for further research into neurological effects of COVID-19 and atypical symptoms in some patients, including older adults. These effects have been increasingly evident in recent months. 

“New evidence further supports that SARS-CoV-2 may be associated with neurological effects, ranging from dizziness, loss of smell and dementia-like symptoms, to ataxia to encephalopathy,” said Dr. Dong, a population health epidemiologist and geriatrician who has published extensively on violence prevention, elder justice and healthy aging. “Particularly in seniors, symptoms like this may be confused with other conditions, which can delay proper treatment. We must do more to understand these effects and what health care providers and loved ones should look out…

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