Wednesday, May 1, 2024

Placenta plays active part in transferring vitamin D to fetus during pregnancy — ScienceDaily

Scientists have shed new light on the role of the placenta in managing the relationships between maternal vitamin D and fetal development, according to a study published today in eLife. The findings demonstrate a complex...

New study suggests that higher daily dietary fiber intake is linked to lower risk...

Fiber is a commonly recommended part of a healthy diet. That's because it's good for your health in so many ways -- from weight management to reducing the risk of diabetes, heart disease, and...

Scientists find that a special omega-3 lipid might prevent fatty liver disease — ScienceDaily

Long-running research by Duke-NUS Medical School into the omega-3 transporter protein Mfsd2a has shown that it plays a key role in a specific mechanism that prevents the liver from storing too much fat from...

A novel pathway regulating lipid biosynthesis by fatty acids

Researchers have been studying the transcription factor SREBP, a critical regulator of lipid biosynthesis. Precursor SREBP proteins, located in the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) of the cell, are transported through the golgi apparatus to the...

Scientists design model to predict cellular drug targets against COVID-19 — ScienceDaily

A computational model of a human lung cell has been used to understand how SARS-CoV-2 draws on human host cell metabolism to reproduce by researchers at the University of Warwick. This study helps understand...

Overweight dogs respond well to high-protein, high-fiber diet — ScienceDaily

A study of overweight dogs fed a reduced calorie, high-protein, high-fiber diet for 24 weeks found that the dogs' body composition and inflammatory markers changed over time in ways that parallel the positive changes...

Insulin rises before cells develop resistance, new diabetes research implies — ScienceDaily

Researchers at the University of Gothenburg, Sweden, have now presented results that may change our basic view of how type 2 diabetes occurs. Their study indicates that free fatty acids (FFAs) in the blood...

Similarities and differences in human and insect vision formation

Researchers at the University of California, Irvine have discovered profound similarities and surprising differences between humans and insects in the production of the critical light-absorbing molecule of the retina, 11-cis-retinal, also known as the...

Early preterm births can be decreased with DHA supplementation — ScienceDaily

Early preterm births may be dramatically decreased with docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) supplements, with a dose of 1000 mg more effective for pregnant women with low DHA levels than the 200 mg found in some...

Does a healthy diet counter the ill-effects of obesity? — ScienceDaily

A healthy quality Mediterranean-like diet partially modifies the association between obesity and cardiovascular mortality, according to a new study published this week in PLOS Medicine by Karl Michaëlsson of Uppsala University, Sweden, and colleagues. Higher...
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Take it from the rats: A junk food diet can cause long-term damage to...

A new USC-led study on rats that feasted on a high-fat, sugary diet raises the possibility that a junk food-filled diet in teens may...

Repurposing non-pharmacological interventions for Alzheimer’s disease through link prediction on biomedical literature

The complete workflow is depicted in Fig. 1. To investigate the association between NPIs and AD, we initially conducted preprocessing and integration of biomedical triples...

Degenerative Dementias and Their Medical Care in the Movies

Compared with other neurologic problems, few films have been dedicated to degenerative dementia. To our knowledge, this is the first systematic review about the...