Celebrating National Mentoring Month in January: Excellence in Faculty Mentoring for Radiologists and Imaging Scientists

The UCSF Radiology and Biomedical Imaging department’s formal mentoring program, managed by the Academic Affairs team, aims to demystify the academic process for junior faculty members and ensure that they are well-supported in meeting their career goals. Imaging scientist Sri Nagarajan, PhD, leads the department’s PhD mentoring efforts and radiologist Christine Glastonbury, MBBS, leads MD mentoring.

UCSF Radiology Mentoring

Each of the department’s 40 assistant professors is paired with a faculty member at the rank of associate or full professor. We aim for mentorship to play a pivotal role in ensuring high career satisfaction of both mentors and mentees. This reciprocal relationship, built on strong communication and trust, fosters an exchange of support and knowledge with the goal of aiding mentees in achieving their career and personal goals, including successfully progressing through the…

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