A Case of Corticobasal Syndrome and Posterior Cortical Atrophy With Biomarkers of Alzheimer Disease

imageCorticobasal syndrome is a clinical entity characterized by asymmetric akinetic rigidity and a variety of higher cortical dysfunction. Predicting background pathology of corticobasal syndrome is rather challenging; however, clinical and neuroimaging findings may provide a clue to its etiopathological origin. Visuospatial dysfunction of posterior cortical atrophy and logopenic-type language impairment indicate the presence of Alzheimer’s disease-related pathology, and they provide useful information in distinguishing Alzheimer’s disease from other types of corticobasal syndrome. Here we describe a case of corticobasal syndrome who showed characteristic visuospatial symptoms with imaging evidence of Alzheimer’s disease supported by amyloid-PET and tau/astrogliosis-PET. Early, accurate diagnosis based on clinical features and predictable biomarkers is mandatory to the success of…

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