National Mentoring Month: Mentoring PhD Faculty at UCSF Radiology

Headshot of Sri Nagarajan, PhD, leader of the UCSF Radiology PhD faculty mentoring programIn academic radiology, mentoring is important for mentors and mentees. Both provide support and share knowledge with one another while helping mentees reach career and personal goals. The Academic Affairs Unit in the UC San Francisco Department of Radiology and Biomedical Imaging incorporates a formal mentorship program for junior MD and PhD faculty into our departmental structure. Mentorship in the department provides support in the areas of research, teaching, service, and professional competence, as well as aiding mentees in navigating the complexities of academic life. Sri Nagarajan, PhD, professor, leads PhD faculty mentoring.

“Success for PhD faculty in the department requires juggling and balancing many different things ranging from writing successful research grants and scientific papers, giving effective scientific presentations, establishing collaborations, creating…

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