Stopping dementia at the nose with combination of rifampicin and resveratrol

Stopping dementia at the nose with combination of rifampicin and resveratrol
The combination of the generic drug rifampicin and the dietary supplement resveratrol, and the intranasal administration of them with a nasal spray, would enable safer and more effective prophylaxis against dementia. Credit: Takami Tomiyama

Dementia is thought to occur when proteins called amyloid-β, tau, and α-synuclein accumulate in the brain and form oligomers. A research group from the Department of Translational Neuroscience, Osaka City University Graduate School of Medicine, had previously shown in a study using mice that the antibiotic rifampicin removes oligomers from the brain and improves cognitive function. However, the drug has been associated with side effects such as liver damage. Resveratrol, a naturally occurring antioxidant in plants, is used as a supplement in Europe…

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