UCSF Radiology Honors the Career of Enrique Menendez, MD

Enrique Menendez, MD, director of research administration at the UC San Francisco Department of Radiology and Biomedical Imaging will retire on September 2, 2020. The entire department recognizes Dr. Menendez for his unconditional dedication, compassion and congeniality. He will be deeply missed while we can only feel happy for him after his many years of service. It is difficult, if not impossible, to sum up his achievements over 27 years of dedicated service to the UC community.

Dr. Menendez’s career at UCSF began at the Mount Zion campus as a clinical assistant. Then in 2008, we were fortunate that his path to the department led him to SFVAMC, where he worked with Michael Weiner, MD, professor and senior investigator with a very large research portfolio and an extensive lab.

“Enrique never said no to a request or an idea. He just said, ‘I’ll do it.’ If something needed…

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