As I learned to walk backwards I felt less anxious, less confused, and less and less anger. As a result, Dotty seem to do the same exact thing.
By Bob DeMarco
Alzheimer’s Reading Room
My father once told me, “you make your own bed and you sleep in it.” This referred to the decisions you make in life, the problems you face in life, and how you deal with the resultant circumstances.
Ever tried to walk a long distance backward without looking over your shoulder? I doubt it.
Go ahead, start walking around you home backwards. No looking over your shoulder, eyes straight ahead, no peeking.
How do you think you will feel? Nervous, anxious, disconcerted?
Now put a blindfold on, go outside, and try walking backwards, How far can you go?
How long do you think you will last before you say, I can’t do it?
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If you walk backwards from our front door I’ll…