Marijuana Found to Engender Both a Therapeutic or Damaging Effect on the Brain, Depending on Age & Other Factors

Marijuana is the most used illicit substance in the country; experts anticipate that its use will continue to increase, as the substance becomes legalized in more and more states.

Interestingly, marijuana is also the most commonly used illegal substance by women who are pregnant—regardless of the fact that marijuana has been found to cause long-term effects to a person who is exposed to the drug before birth.

Those who start using marijuana during the teenage years may be exposing their brain to damaging effects that last a lifetime.  The brain is vulnerable and still developing during adolescents, which puts it at higher risks for impairment from exposure to substances—such as marijuana.

At the same time, many adults are using marijuana for relief from the symptoms of long-term illnesses, such as multiple sclerosis and epilepsy.  But what are the long-term…

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