Neuronal-specific NCLX knockout 3xTg-AD mutant mouse
NCLX floxed mice were generated by our lab22 by acquiring targeted ES cells generated by recombinant insertion of a knockout-1st mutant construct containing loxP sites flanking exons 5–7 of NCLX, Slc8b1 gene (ch12: 113298759- 113359493)68. ES cell lines (clone EPD0460_4_A08, EUCOMM) were confirmed by PCR and injected into C57BL/6N blastocysts with subsequent transplantation into pseudo- pregnant females. Germline mutant mice were crossed with ROSA26-FLPe knock-in mice for removal of the FRT-flanked splice acceptor site, βgal reporter, and neomycin resistance cassette. Resultant NCLXfl/+ mice were interbred to generate homozygous mutant mice with knockout potential (NCLXfl/fl). Homozygous LoxP ‘floxed’ mice (NCLXfl/fl) were crossed with neuron-specific Camk2a-Cre recombinase driver lines (available from Jackson Laboratory,…