Friday, September 20, 2024

Alzheimer's Association 2023 年阿滋海默症的事實和數字

這些是關於阿滋海默症危機的事實 — 超過 600 萬美國人患有阿滋海默症 — 每 3 個老年人中就有 1 人在去世時患有阿滋海默症或其他失智症 — 它造成的死亡人數比乳腺癌和前列腺癌的總和還要多 — 2023 年,阿滋海默症和其他失智症將使國家損失 3450 億美元。到 2050 年,這些成本可能上升到近 1 萬億美元 — 超過 1100 萬美國人為阿滋海默症或其他失智症病患提供無償照顧 — 45 歲時,女性患阿滋海默症的終身風險是五分之一,男性為十分之一。 — 雖然每 10 個美國人中只有 4 個人在遇到早期記憶或認知能力喪失時會立即與醫生交談,但如果能夠允許儘提早治療,每 10 個人中就有 7 個人會希望儘早知道自己是否患有阿滋海默症。 Alzheimer's Association 正在領導結束與阿滋海默症和所有其他失智症之戰,但我們需要您的協助 在...

The Longest Day Spring Rally 2022

Watch The Longest Day's Spring Rally to learn how you can get involved in the fight against Alzheimer’s by participating in The Longest Day. You’ll hear inspiring stories, learn about Association programs and services, hear...

SAGE Pen & Paper Alzheimer's Test

Problems with memory or thinking? Check out this simple, written exam from Ohio State University Medical Center. Find out what made this outstanding test go viral. To download the test, go to:

Dance Party to End ALZ (Video)

On Sunday, Sept. 29, 2019, Dance Party to End ALZ will be hosted by Kimberly Williams-Paisley and Storme Warren from SiriusXM’s The Highway, and we’re going back to the '80s again this year! Taking...

Alzheimer's & Dementia Conversations: Changing the Face of Research

Historically, Black Americans have been excluded from or actively harmed by medical research. Today, they are still under-represented in research, which means that we exclude them from potential benefits and that research results may...

AlzCruiseTropics19 Conference Keynote Session

AlzCruiseTropics19 Conference Keynote Session

La caminata de este año se llevará a cabo en todas partes. (30 segundos...

Este año, la caminata Walk to End Alzheimer’s® de la asociación Alzheimer’s Association se está llevando a cabo en todas partes: desde en el centro de ciudades hasta en pueblos pequeños y en aceras...

Musiq Soulchild Public Service Announcement

Hip-hop soul singer Musiq Soulchild reminds people that no one should face Alzheimer's and dementia alone. Resources are available at

Important Facts About Vitamin K – Best Vitamin K Sources, Types & Its Deficiency

Important Facts About Vitamin K. Its Types, Benefits & Best Vitamin K Sources. Vitamin K is a fat-soluble vitamin that is most well-known for the important role it plays in blood clotting. However, vitamin...

Women and Alzheimer's Report: Gender Vulnerabilities Think Tank

In May 2015, the Alzheimer's Association convened researchers gathered from around the country for a Think Tank meeting to discuss women and Alzheimer's disease — and set the stage for the future of research...
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