Investigators Find Further Evidence that Avoiding Excessive Salt May Protect Brain Vascular and Cognitive...
Description:A high salt diet (HSD) has been associated with risk of dementia even when high blood pressure is controlled. These investigators reported last year that high...
Georgetown Offers Multiple Clinical Trials for People with Lewy Body Dementia
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New online platform to improve the autonomy of patients with Alzherimer’s disease
An international team of researchers has developed a new online platform that improves the autonomy and self-reliance of people who suffer from Alzheimer's disease in its initial stages
Can your eating habits keep Alzheimer’s at bay?
When you hear the word diet, you might think only of weight loss. But a lifestyle diet can...
Experts call for coordinated action to avert a brain disease crisis
Experts are calling for a public health campaign aimed at promoting a 'brain-healthy lifestyle' to reduce the risk of developing neurodegenerative brain diseases, such as Alzheimer's disease and Parkinson's disease.