Health Benefits of Eating Banana Peels

Health Benefits of Eating Banana Peels.
While most people are familiar with the sweet and fruity flesh of a banana, few have ventured to try the peel.
While the thought of eating a banana peel may be hard for some to stomach, it’s a common ingredient in many cuisines around the world.
The peel of a banana makes up about 35% of the ripe fruit and is often discarded rather than consumed.
However, using the peel is a great way to reduce food waste while squeezing some extra vitamins and minerals into your diet.
In fact, banana peels are not only edible but also rich in several key nutrients, including potassium, dietary fiber, polyunsaturated fats and essential amino acids.
Here are a few potential health benefits of banana peels:
1. Depression Relief
The high levels of tryptophan in bananas, combined with the B6 in banana peels, can help relieve some symptoms of depression and other mood disorders. Tryptophan turns into serotonin as it breaks down, which can improve your mood. Vitamin B6 can help improve sleep, which has a positive impact on mood over time.
2. Digestive Health
Fiber-rich banana peels can help regulate the digestive system, easing both constipation and diarrhea. This can be a particularly important benefit of banana peels for people with Crohn’s disease or irritable bowel syndrome.
3. Better Eyesight
Vitamin A can help keep your eyes strong and healthy. This vitamin is abundant in both bananas and banana peels.
4. May Lower Cancer Risk
Banana peels are packed with polyphenols, carotenoids, and other antioxidants that fight cancer-causing free radicals in your body. Eating more banana peels, especially green unripe peels, can increase your antioxidant levels and help reduce your risk of cancer.

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Music Credits:
Infraction – No Copyright Music


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