New IDEAS about amyloid, race and dementia disparities

  • Chen, C. & Zissimopoulos, J. M. Racial and ethnic differences in trends in dementia prevalence and risk factors in the United States. Alzheimers Dement. (NY) 4, 510–520 (2018).


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  • Wilkins, C. H. et al. Racial and ethnic differences in amyloid PET positivity in individuals with mild cognitive impairment or dementia: a secondary analysis of the Imaging Dementia-Evidence for Amyloid Scanning (IDEAS) cohort study. JAMA Neurol. (2022).

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  • Rabinovici, G. D. et al. Association of amyloid positron emission tomography with subsequent change in clinical management among medicare beneficiaries with mild cognitive impairment or dementia. J. Am. Med. Assoc. 321, 1286–1294 (2019).


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