A UCSF Medical Student Shares Her Summer 2022 RIDR Program Experience

Headshot of a blonde-haired woman against a grey backgroundEvery summer, the UCSF Research Initiative to promote Diversity in Radiology (RIDR Program) provides an opportunity for high school, college, and medical students to participate in basic science, translational, or clinical radiology research projects. For eight weeks, students work with a faculty mentor on a research project. The student’s research experience culminates in an abstract to be submitted for presentation at the department Summer Students Symposium.

We asked Lucia, a MS2 student at UCSF who participated in the program during Summer 2022, to share her thoughts about her experience.

How did you find out about the UCSF RIDR Program and what made you decide to apply?
I found out about the UCSF RIDR Program by attending a Women in Radiology interest group talk. One of the upper classmen shared her experience in the program. She only had great things to say, and I…

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