Conceptual introduction of the MultiNODEs
MultiNODEs represent an extension of the original NODEs framework14 that overcomes the limitations of its predecessor such that an application to incomplete datasets consisting of both static and time-dependent variables becomes feasible. Conceptually, MultiNODEs build on three key components (Fig. 1): (1) latent NODEs, (2) a variational autoencoder (more specifically a Heterogenous Incomplete Variational Autoencoder [HI-VAE], designed to handle multimodal data with missing values17), and (3) an implicit imputation layer18. The latent NODEs enable the learning and subsequent generation of continuous longitudinal variable trajectories. The longitudinal properties of the initial condition (i.e., the starting point for the ODE system solver of the latent NODEs) are defined by the output of a recurrent variational encoder that embeds the…