Participant characteristics
The present study was performed in the ALFA+ cohort, a nested longitudinal study from the ALFA (for ALzheimer’s and FAmilies) study16. The ALFA study includes 2,743 middle-aged, CU individuals, with a high proportion of AD patients’ offspring (47.4%) and APOE ε4 carriers (34.7%).
The ALFA+ study includes 450 participants who were invited to participate based on their specific AD risk profile, determined by an algorithm in which participants’ AD parental history and APOE status, verbal episodic memory score and CAIDE score were taken into consideration16. A detailed phenotyping was performed in ALFA+ participants, including a lumbar puncture for the measurement of CSF biomarkers and imaging (magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and positron emission tomography (PET)) biomarker acquisition. ALFA+ inclusion criteria were: (1) individuals who had previously…