Identification and validation of Alzheimer’s disease-related metabolic brain pattern in biomarker confirmed Alzheimer’s dementia patients


301 subjects from three different cohorts were included in the study. To identify and internally validate ADRP, we included 63 patients who fulfilled diagnostic criteria for AD (amnestic presentation22), had Alzheimer (Alz) biomarker CSF profile, i.e. A+/T+/N+ or A+/T+/N−2,22 and underwent 2-[18F]FDG PET brain imaging. Additionally, we included 42 patients with MCI who had available CSF information and 2-[18F]FDG PET brain scans. Patients with MCI were cognitively tested by neuropsychologist, n = 19/4223, or by neurologist using MoCA test, n = 23/4224,25. We also included 15 patients with probable bvFTD with diagnosis confirmed at a follow-up visit at least 18 months after 2-[18F]FDG PET scanning26 and 41 normal controls (NCs) scanned with 2-[18F]FDG PET for purposes of another research project27. We excluded patients with structural brain lesions (e.g….

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