Presenilin 2 N141I mutation induces hyperactive immune response through the epigenetic repression of REV-ERBα

N141I/+ mice overproduce clock gene-controlled cytokines in response to LPS

To investigate the pathogenic function of the Psen2 N141I mutation in vivo, we generated KI mice harboring the Psen2 N141I allele (Psen2N141I/+ and Psen2N141I/N141I) (Fig. 1a). The substitution of N to I (AAC to ATC) was confirmed by genomic sequencing (Fig. 1b). Human AD patients with FAD mutations are heterozygous30. Therefore, to more accurately recapitulate human AD and maintain the endogenous expression level, we used heterozygous Psen2N141I/+ (KI/+) mice for all experiments. The protein and mRNA levels of PSEN2 in KI/+ primary microglia and bone marrow-derived macrophages (BMDM) were comparable to those in WT cells (Supplementary Fig. 1a, b), indicating that the N141I mutation did not affect PSEN2 expression. Also, this mutation did not…

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