A high-fiber diet may reduce risk of dementia — ScienceDaily

We’re always hearing that we should eat more fiber. It’s known to be vitally important for a healthy digestive system and also has cardiovascular benefits like reduced cholesterol. Now, evidence is emerging that fiber is also important for a healthy brain. In a new study published this month in the journal Nutritional Neuroscience, researchers in Japan have shown that a high-fiber diet is associated with a reduced risk of developing dementia.

“Dementia is a devastating disease that usually requires long-term care,” says lead author of the study Professor Kazumasa Yamagishi. “We were interested in some recent research which suggested that dietary fiber may play a preventative role. We investigated this using data that were collected from thousands of adults in Japan for a large study that started in the 1980s.”

Participants completed surveys that assessed their dietary intake between…

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