Scientists advance the study of fragile digestive organelles by developing strategy to rapidly extract them from cells using magnetic nanoparticles — ScienceDaily

The correct functioning of our cells rests upon the precise orchestration of many complex processes and organelles. Lysosomes — vital cell organelles — are enzyme-filled subunits found within many animal cells that help break down and reuse macromolecules, such as proteins, lipids, and nucleotides. Besides their function in cellular digestion and waste management, lysosomes also participate in amino acid signaling, which stimulates protein synthesis alongside other effects.

Given that a lot of diseases are caused by defects in lysosome function, it is no surprise that researchers have been actively trying to understand these organelles for decades. But there are only a few techniques that allow the extraction of lysosomes from within a cell. The most common method is called “density gradient ultracentrifugation.” It involves gently breaking the cell membrane and applying a…

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