Neural plasticity depends on this long noncoding RNA’s journey from nucleus to synapse — ScienceDaily

Making memories involves more than seeing friends or taking photos. The brain constantly adapts to new information and stores memories by building connections among neurons, called synapses. How neurons do this — reaching out arm-like dendrites to communicate with other neurons — requires a ballet of genes, signaling molecules, cellular scaffolding and protein-building machinery.

A new study from scientists at Scripps Research and the Max Planck Florida Institute for Neuroscience finds a central role for one signaling molecule, a long, noncoding RNA that the scientists named ADEPTR.

Using a variety of technologies, including confocal and two-photon microscopy, they track ADEPTR’s moves, watching as it forms, travels, amasses at the synapse and activates other proteins upon a neuron’s stimulation.

Its journey to the far reaches of a brain cell is made possible by a cellular carrier…

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