MCI Helper e-newsletter to aid Mild Cognitive Impairment patients, says Dr. Leslie Norins, of, an informational website devoted to helping patients cope with Mild Cognitive Impairment (MCI) is launching “MCI Helper”, a supplementary monthly e-newsletter, says Leslie Norins, MD, PhD, CEO.  It will provide succinct actionable information to those coping with MCI—which is often the condition which precedes the onset of more serious cognitive deficits, such as Alzheimer’s disease. 

The new newsletter will primarily be distributed on request via Facebook and LinkedIn, but is also available via free signup   It will also be sent without charge to the thousands already signed up to receive communications from Much of the content will be derived from news and advice on the parent website. 

To cover all pertinent new topics, there are strict limits on the lengths of synopsized articles.  Readers desiring more information can consult the…

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