Improving Communication Between Radiologists and Surgeons for the Care of Transgender Women

National surveys estimate a growing U.S. transgender population size along with increased recognition of transgenderism in the U.S. Gender affirming surgery is a treatment option for gender dysphoria along with counseling and sex/hormone therapy, and the utilization of such surgeries has been increasing.

“As gender-affirming facial feminization surgery (FFS) is increasingly performed for gender affirmation surgery for transgender women, so is preoperative planning computed tomography (CT). Radiologists have a key role in describing findings relevant to the surgical approach,” says Andrew Callen, MD, current assistant professor at the University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus, Department of Radiology (CU Radiology) and former clinical fellow at the UC San Francisco Department of Radiology and Biomedical Imaging. “Communication between radiologists and surgeons is key…

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