First observation of the early association between proteins linked to Alzheimer’s disease

First observation of the early association between proteins linked to Alzheimer's disease
State-of-the-art automatic brainstem segmentation methods were used to extract tau burden in its first aggregation site, that is, in the brainstem monoaminergic gray matter (bmGM). Beta-amyloid (Aβ) burden was extracted in the earliest cortical aggregation regions, i.e. in the bilateral medial superior frontal, inferior temporal, and fusiform areas. Credit: University de Liege

During the pre-clinical stages of Alzheimer’s disease, i.e. when subtle changes are taking place in the brain but no cognitive symptoms can be observed, the cortex presents a state of transient hyperexcitability. To date, several studies conducted in animals have shown that tau and beta-amyloid proteins—central to the development of Alzheimer’s disease—were associated with increased cortical excitability and…

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