Risk prediction of late-onset Alzheimer’s disease implies an oligogenic architecture

Study populations

AIBL: we selected 216 cases and 631 controls (participants with mild cognitive impairment were regarded as controls) with genotype information from the Australian Imaging, Biomarker & Lifestyle Flagship Study (Table 1). We removed SNPs with minor allele frequency smaller than 0.01, SNP missingness rate larger than 0.05, and not passing Hardy–Weinberg equilibrium test (P < 5 × 10−6). Genotypes were imputed to the sequencing data from the Haplotype Reference Consortium (r1.1) using the Sanger Imputation Service (https://imputation.sanger.ac.uk). A total of 6,972,431 SNPs with info score larger than 0.8 were selected after imputation. Data were collected by the AIBL study group. AIBL study methodology and acquisition of genetic data have been reported previously42,43. Ethics approval for the AIBL study and all experimental protocols were provided by the…

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