Higher visit-to-visit total cholesterol variability is associated with lower cognitive function among middle-aged and elderly Chinese men

Study sample

The China Health and Retirement Longitudinal Study (CHARLS) aimed to collect nationally representative sample of Chinese residents. The Wave 1 of CHARLS included about 17,000 individuals from 150 counties/districts and 450 villages/resident committees. The subjects of the study were Chinese citizens aged 45 years and above13. Baseline data (Wave 1) were collected between June 2011 and March 2012. In addition, the survey was conducted and followed up every 2 years.

In the CHARLS, a total number of 7,481 participants received blood testing twice, in 2011 (Wave 1) and 2015 (Wave 3). Of the 7,481 individuals, 44 individuals under 45 years old were excluded, 405 individuals with a history of brain damage or mental retardation were excluded, and 655 individuals without the cognitive tests were excluded. Eventually, 6,377 individuals were included in this study. The selection…

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