UCSF Radiology Awarded Four 2020-21 RSNA Research & Education Foundation Grants

The Radiological Society of North America (RSNA)’s Research & Education Foundation recently completed reviews of its 2020 grant applications. The UC San Francisco Department of Radiology and Biomedical Imaging is pleased to announce that four grants were awarded to faculty and trainees.

Ryan Kohlbrenner, MD, assistant professor in the Interventional Radiology Section, received a Research Seed Grant for his project titled “Pharmacokinetic Comparison of Selective Prostatic Arterial and Intravenous PSMA Radioligand Infusions in Treatment of Prostate Cancer Patients.”

Andreas Rauschecker, MD, PhD, assistant professor in residence in the Neuroradiology Section, received a Research Scholar Grant for his project titled “Human-interpretable AI-based Quantitative Metrics for Primary CNS Lymphoma Prognosis.”

Jae Ho Sohn, MD, MS, clinical fellow and 2019-20 T32 scholar,…

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