Vulnerability of Husband and Wife Caregivers of Alzheimer Disease Patients to Caregiving Stressors

This study assessed relationships between problem behaviors in 199 Alzheimer Disease patients and vulnerability factors in the well being and emotional health of their spouse caregivers. Among caregiver wives and the younger caregiver husbands (64 years old and under) the volume of patient problem behavior was significantly negatively associated with total scores on a summary well being measure. The association was not found within the older husband caregiver group. Considering five subdimensions of the summary well being scale (Anxiety, Depressive Symptoms, Positive Well Being, Vitality and General Health), correlational analyses showed that the total patient problems measure appeared to have impact primarily among wife caregivers, particularly those 64 years old and under. Multiple regression analyses showed that one patient problem behavior category, Emotional Lability,…

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