Tau deposition is associated with functional isolation of the hippocampus in aging

Our findings in cognitively normal older adults indicate that local connectivity of the hippocampus, measured with ReHo, was increased with age and tau pathology in ERC and the object/AT memory network. Hipp-ReHo was also increased with greater hippocampal disconnection from cortex and especially the AT network. Tau deposition in the AT network, in turn, was associated with functional disconnection of the hippocampus, measured with hipp-FC to AT regions. Higher hipp-ReHo was also related to advancing age and lower hippocampal volume, supporting the interpretation that greater local connectivity in the hippocampus is a malignant process. Finally, greater local connectivity in the hippocampus was associated with worse episodic memory function. Although the associations revealed by these data are cross sectional, the most likely interpretation, based on neuropathological evidence and…

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