In Heaven There is No Alzheimer’s

I have been thinking about this for a long time
In Heaven there is no Alzheimer’s.
And now, I am convinced this is true.

Stairway to Heaven

In fact, I think when you go to Heaven you remember everything. The good stuff and the bad stuff.

While thinking about this I have concluded that the bad stuff is there to make you stronger.

By Bob DeMarco
Alzheimer’s Reading Room

Here is another thing of which I am certain. If you have ever wondered if your loved one living with dementia appreciates your caregiving effort you’ll find out in Heaven. Guess, what? Your learn two things.

Subscribe to the Alzheimer’s Reading Room

Yes, a person living with Alzheimer’s does appreciate you more than you can imagine. Maybe they aren’t telling you this right now. And maybe, you doubt it right now. They do, don’t doubt.

Here is second thing you are going to find out – I’m certain about this.

They Love You More

When I go…

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