Getting More Fruits and Vegetables into the Alzheimer’s Diet

Getting More Fruit and Vegetables into the Alzheimer’s Diet

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Tuesday, September 12th, 2017

fruits and vegetables for the Alzheimer's diet


Eating a variety of healthy fruits and vegetables every day is one vital part of the Alzheimer’s diet.  Not only do fruits and vegetables provide plenty of antioxidants, thought to aid in staving off symptoms of Alzheimer’s disease (AD), they also provide ample minerals, vitamins and fiber.    But, a recent study released by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention found that Americans fall short when it comes to eating enough of these healthy side dishes.

In fact, as many as 76% of adults did not meet the daily recommendations of fruit intake and 87% fell short of the daily vegetable intake recommendations.  Children who were surveyed were not an exception to the bad news when it came to adequate…

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