With all the advanced research in finding a cure for Alzheimer’s disease (AD), it’s difficult to believe that the cause of the disease could come down to something really simple, like treating Herpes.
But, according a recent study, published in October of 2018 in Frontiers of Aging, it’s possible that this may just be the case. There has been evidence for decades of a link between the risk of AD, and infection with Herpes Simplex Virus 1 (HSV1) in those who have a specific genetic predisposition. This could indicate that a very simple treatment could be all that is required for one of the most misunderstood age-related diseases.
The Herpes Simplex Virus is commonly known as a cold sore. It manifests itself as fever blisters and cold sores around the mouth and face.
Professor Ruth Itzhaki has spent over 25 years studying the link between herpes and AD, at…