Heart disease causes early brain dysfunction and can treble key Alzheimer’s protein

•    Scientists have discovered that heart disease causes brain dysfunction that could lead to dementia before the buildup of plaque in blood vessels of the brain
•    Heart disease causes problems in the brain that causes less blood to reach the neurons that need it 
•    Findings also show that a combination of heart disease and a key Alzheimer’s gene trebles the amount of an Alzheimer’s causing protein in the brain

Heart disease can directly cause brain dysfunction early on which could lead to dementia and can treble the amount of an Alzheimer’s protein in the brain, say scientists. 

Newswise — The new research, published in eLife, has found that heart disease causes a breakdown of a key brain function which links brain activity and blood flow, meaning the brain gets less blood for the same amount of activity. 

This is happening in heart disease patients…

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