Tuesday, April 30, 2024

Exelon Patch (Rivastigmine Patch) for Alzheimer's

How to use the Exelon Patch to help with the symptoms of Alzheimer's. Learn about it's benefits & advantages.

4 Ways to Remove Turmeric Stains from Skin at Home

How to Remove Turmeric color or Stains from Skin and Nails at Home. Turmeric is a yellow spice usually used in making curry, but turmeric also helps exfoliate your skin and prevent acne.However. when you...

Risk Factors for Cognitive Decline and Dementia 1 of 6

Opening and Introduction with David Knopman, M.D., Vice-Chair Alzheimer’s Association Medical & Scientific Advisory Council

2019 Baltimore Memory Ball

The Alzheimer's Association, Greater Maryland Chapter - 2019 Baltimore Memory Ball annual fundraiser.

Spotting Alzheimer's Early

New research led by scientists at UC Berkeley shows for the first time that PET scans can track the progressive stages of Alzheimer’s disease in cognitively normal adults, a key advance in the early...

10 Foods that Naturally Unclog Arteries

10 Foods that Naturally Unclog Arteries and Protect Against Heart Attack. If your goal is to restore or maintain a healthy heart then there are a variety of foods that can help to unclog arteries...

Alzheimer's Cure NOT Politics

There is no room for partisan politics when fighting for a cure for Alzheimer's Disease.

Diagnosing Alzheimer's with Cognoptix 5-Minute Eye Test

"This simple eye test has the potential to change the way that Alzheimer's is detected and managed," said Carl Sadowsky, MD. Today, only about 5% of patients in the USA are diagnosed by Alzheimer's...

How to Get Rid of Xanthelasma (XP) Naturally at Home

How to get rid of Xanthelasma (XP) naturally at Home? Xanthelasma Palpebrarum (XP) are yellowish plaques that occur most commonly near the inner canthus of the eyelid, more often on the upper lid than the...
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Take it from the rats: A junk food diet can cause long-term damage to...

A new USC-led study on rats that feasted on a high-fat, sugary diet raises the possibility that a junk food-filled diet in teens may...

Repurposing non-pharmacological interventions for Alzheimer’s disease through link prediction on biomedical literature

The complete workflow is depicted in Fig. 1. To investigate the association between NPIs and AD, we initially conducted preprocessing and integration of biomedical triples...

Degenerative Dementias and Their Medical Care in the Movies

Compared with other neurologic problems, few films have been dedicated to degenerative dementia. To our knowledge, this is the first systematic review about the...