Sunday, May 5, 2024

Multiple sclerosis drug works in a surprising way — ScienceDaily

Drugs called interferon betas are common treatments for multiple sclerosis (MS), reducing relapses and slowing motor function decline. Interferon beta, a protein known to contain a zinc binding pocket, is thought to reduce proinflammatory...

Banana peels make sugar cookies better for you — ScienceDaily

Banana peels aren't always destined for the trash or compost anymore. They're making their way onto people's plates, replacing pork in "pulled peel" sandwiches and getting fried up into "bacon." And now, researchers reporting...

Down on Vitamin D? It could be the cause of chronic inflammation — ScienceDaily

Inflammation is an essential part of the body's healing process. But when it persists, it can contribute to a wide range of complex diseases including type 2 diabetes, heart disease, and autoimmune diseases. Now, world-first...

B vitamins can potentially be used to treat advanced non-alcoholic fatty liver disease —...

Scientists at Duke-NUS Medical School in Singapore have uncovered a mechanism that leads to an advanced form of fatty liver disease -- and it turns out that vitamin B12 and folic acid supplements could...

New function for a long-known molecule — ScienceDaily

A team of researchers located at Helmholtz Munich reports on a novel function of vitamin K, which is generally known for its importance in blood clotting. The researchers discovered that the fully reduced form...

Diets higher in calcium and potassium may help prevent recurrent symptomatic kidney stones —...

Kidney stones can cause not only excruciating pain but also are associated with chronic kidney disease, osteoporosis and cardiovascular disease. If you've experienced a kidney stone once, you have a 30% chance of having...

Brain development differs between Neanderthals and modern humans — ScienceDaily

Neanderthals are the closest relatives to modern humans. Comparisons with them can therefore provide fascinating insights into what makes present-day humans unique, for example regarding the development of the brain. The neocortex, the largest...

It doesn’t matter much which fiber you choose — just get more fiber! The...

That huge array of dietary fiber supplements in the drugstore or grocery aisle can be overwhelming to a consumer. They make all sorts of health claims too, not being subject to FDA review and...

Plant-based ‘meat’ ‘healthier and more sustainable than animal products’ — ScienceDaily

Plant-based dietary alternatives to animal products are better for the environment and for human health when compared with the animal products they are designed to replace, say the authors of a new study. A new...

Women urged to eat potassium-rich foods to improve their heart health — ScienceDaily

Women who eat bananas, avocados and salmon could reduce the negative effects of salt in the diet, according to a study published today in European Heart Journal, a journal of the European Society of...
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Take it from the rats: A junk food diet can cause long-term damage to...

A new USC-led study on rats that feasted on a high-fat, sugary diet raises the possibility that a junk food-filled diet in teens may...

Repurposing non-pharmacological interventions for Alzheimer’s disease through link prediction on biomedical literature

The complete workflow is depicted in Fig. 1. To investigate the association between NPIs and AD, we initially conducted preprocessing and integration of biomedical triples...

Degenerative Dementias and Their Medical Care in the Movies

Compared with other neurologic problems, few films have been dedicated to degenerative dementia. To our knowledge, this is the first systematic review about the...