Study unveils a role of mitochondria in dietary fat processing

The maintenance of a balanced lipid homeostasis is critical for our health. While consumption of excessive amounts of fatty foods contributes to metabolic diseases such as obesity and atherosclerosis, fat is an indispensable component of our diet. Digested lipids supply the body with essential building blocks and facilitate the absorption of important vitamins. In a new study published in the journal Nature, a team of researchers led by Professor Manolis Pasparakis and their collaborators Professor Aleksandra Trifunovic and Professor Christian Frezza at the Excellence Cluster CECAD of the University of Cologne, and Professor Jörg Heeren at the University of Hamburg, report on a new mechanism that regulates the processing and transport of dietary lipids by the intestine.

The researchers studied the function of mitochondria — organelles acting as powerhouses of the cell — in…

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