Risk factors for unfavourable outcomes after shunt surgery in patients with idiopathic normal-pressure hydrocephalus

Predictors of unfavourable outcomes in iNPH patients

In the analyses targeting all participants, we showed that the presence of hypertension, more severe urinary dysfunction evaluated by the iNPHGS urination subscore, relatively smaller lateral ventricles for hydrocephalus measured using Evans’ index, and longer disease duration were predictors of unfavourable outcomes after shunt surgery. In our results, hypertension was the only VRF that could predict shunt responsiveness. In the subgroup analyses, hypertension was more associated with iNPH patients with independent walking than those who needed assistance to walk or could not walk.

A few studies have reported whether VRFs are associated with outcomes after shunt surgery6,9,10,11, but their results are inconsistent. Boon et al. demonstrated that the proportion of shunt responders among iNPH patients with CVD was significantly lower…

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