Commentary on Breakthrough COVID-19 Infections from Brett Elicker, MD

Typical appearance of COVID-19 infection on CT

Breakthrough viral infection – when a fully vaccinated person gets infected with COVID-19 – seem to be more common with the fast-spreading Omicron variant. Recently Brett Elicker, MD, chief of Cardiac & Pulmonary Imaging Section in the UC San Francisco Department of Radiology and Biomedical Imaging, provided commentary on these breakthrough infections, what they are and what they look like.

“Breakthrough infections after COVID-19 vaccination are uncommon and typically present with mild symptoms and radiologic abnormalities that resemble primary COVID-19 infection, albeit less severe,” he says. “As the pandemic continues and the length between vaccine administration lengthens, it is likely that the severity of breakthrough infections will increase and thus radiologists should be aware of the possibility of breakthrough infections and their typical imaging…

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