Andrew Mogga, MD Candidate, Shares His Summer RIDR Experience at UCSF Radiology

Andrew Mogga, MD candidate (’24) at Albany Medical College, was a member of the 2021 RIDR cohort, the Research Initiative to promote Diversity in Radiology. Andrew worked with Orit Glenn, MD and Elizabeth George, MBBS, faculty in the neuroradiology section who introduced him to the field. In early 2022, Andrew will deliver an oral presentation at the American Society of Pediatric Neuroradiology (ASPNR) 4th Annual Scientific Meeting scientific meeting under their guidance and mentorship.

“Prior to the RIDR program, I knew I was interested in radiology, but I wanted more exposure,” Andrew says. “The RIDR program afforded me the chance to further explore radiology as a career choice and enhanced my understanding of the specialty. But most importantly, [the program] boosted my confidence in regards to pursuing this field as an underrepresented student.”

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