Using imputation to provide harmonized longitudinal measures of cognition across AIBL and ADNI


This study utilized neuropsychological, clinical, demographic and neuroimaging data collected as part of the AIBL and ADNI studies. The process of recruitment and enrolment in each of these studies has been described in detail elsewhere (ADNI31 and AIBL32,33 and in the “Supplementary materials”.

Briefly, in AIBL, individuals classified clinically with mild cognitive impairment (MCI) or Alzheimer’s disease (AD) dementia were recruited from primary-care physicians or tertiary Memory Disorders Clinics at two study centres in Melbourne, Victoria and Perth, Western Australia. Cognitively normal (CN) older adults were recruited through advertisement or from spouses of participants in the study, at the same centres. The dataset contains data about neuroimaging, biomarkers, lifestyle, clinical information, and neuropsychological assessments. The…

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