Listening to favorite music improves brain plasticity, cognitive performance of Alzheimer’s patients, Toronto researchers find

Newswise — November 9, 2021, TORONTO, CANADA — Researchers at the University of Toronto (U of T) and Unity Health Toronto have demonstrated that repeated listening to personally meaningful music induces beneficial brain plasticity in patients with mild cognitive impairment or early Alzheimer’s disease.

Changes in the brain’s neural pathways correlated with increased memory performance on neuropsychological tests, supporting the clinical potential of personalized, music-based interventions for people with dementia.

The multi-modal study was published today in the Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease.

“We have new brain-based evidence that autobiographically salient music — that is, music that holds special meaning for a person, like the song they danced to at their wedding — stimulates neural connectivity in ways that help maintain higher levels of functioning,” says 

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