Recognizing UCSF Radiology’s Medical Imaging Team During COVID-19

Thank you to all UCSF Medical Center Radiology staff – you are the essential workers who continue to provide essential services during this time. To be “essential” is to not often have the option to choose to stay home.  I’m incredibly thankful for the sacrifice you – and your families – are making to keep us all safe.  Please know that you are appreciated more than ever.

Our essential workers are professionals in radiology and this is what has been said about them from their profession organizations.  

Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging Week:  October 4-10

This year’s theme for Nuclear Medicine week was: Transforming medicine. Improving lives. The theme varies from year to year, but the goal is always the same: pride in what nuclear medicine and molecular imaging have brought to the healthcare environment over the years. It is important that we educate…

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