Early detection of Alzheimer’s disease with dynamic MRI measurement of glucose in brain

Early detection of Alzheimer's disease with dynamic MRI measurement of glucose in brain
The team carries out experiments on mice using the 3T MRI animal scanner at CityU, the only of its kind in Hong Kong. The left computer screen in the front shows vital signs such as the pulse and breathing pattern of the mouse, while the right one shows the images of its brain. Credit: City University of Hong Kong

Diagnosis of Alzheimer’s disease, the most common type of dementia, is complicated by its overlapping signs with normal ageing. A collaborative research by City University of Hong Kong (CityU) and Johns Hopkins University has developed a new non-invasive molecular imaging approach based on magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) to dynamically measure glucose level changes in the brain lymphatic system. Their discovery may help in identifying Alzheimer’s disease at early stages so that treatments can start as soon as…

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