16 Things I Would Want, If I Get Dementia

Just in case I do get dementia, I’ve written a list of rules I’d like to live by.

When you work in dementia care, people tend to ask you a lot of questions. Probably one of the most common questions that I hear is,

“Are you afraid to get dementia when you’re older?”

By Rachael Wonderlin
Alzheimer’s Reading Room

Honestly, there are many things that scare me much more than dementia does. Don’t get me wrong: dementia is a terrible group of diseases. I’ve been fortunate, however, to see many of the beautiful moments that people with dementia can experience.

Just in case I do get dementia, I’ve written a list of rules I’d like to live by.

If I get dementia, I’d like my family to hang this wish list up on the wall where I live.

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If I Get Dementia

1. If I get dementia, I want my friends and family to embrace my reality. If I…

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