Role of fats and proteins in Lewy Body dementia

Role of fats and proteins in Lewy Body dementia
Alpha-synuclein solubility in the cingulate cortex from Lewy body disease and controls with and without GBA mutations. Using soluble (cytoplasmic, TEAB), detergent-soluble (membrane bound, Triton X100) and insoluble (aggregates, SDS/Urea) protein fractions from Parkinson’s disease/Dementia with Lewy body cases and controls with and without GBA mutations, we determined alpha-synuclein levels by western blotting. We identified the presence of high-molecular weight alpha-synuclein species only in insoluble fractions from Parkinson’s disease/Dementia with Lewy body cases with an absence in controls, but with no difference between mutation carriers (MT) and wild-type GBA Lewy body disorders cases (WT). Graphs represent Mean ± SEM from densitometric analysis of protein bands. Credit: DOI:…

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