5 Ways to Redirect Someone With Alzheimer’s

Redirection is a handy all-purpose tool for responding to many of the bothersome, inappropriate, or potentially unsafe behaviors of Alzheimer’s and dementia patients.

How do you redirect an Alzheimer's Patient?

By Paula Spencer Scott
Alzheimer’s Reading Room

To redirect means to help the person move toward feeling better and acting more constructively — literally, to change the direction of things.

So how do you do it?

Lets say your mom is restlessly pacing back and forth across the room, even though she’s not terribly steady on her feet and you’re terrified she’ll fall.

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Or, your dad likes to open his fly and touch himself while watching TV.

Or, your wife keeps insisting that “little men” under the sofa are snatching her snacks and tissues.

In each case, redirection involves using your attitude, your words, and your suggestions to gently shift the behavior.

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